Our Story

In 2019, during one of the worst times in American history, four friends went back to their hometown to visit their loved ones. Before leaving to their respective states again, these four friends got together and shared old laughs over a cup of coffee. Here, Deeply Rooted was conceptualized.

Deeply Rooted proves that, no matter how far we go in life nor how the world around us changes, nothing brings together friends and family like a good cup of coffee.

Speciality grade coffee for special people.

The best quality coffee starts with the best quality beans. We source the top 1% of the world’s finest Arabica beans. Deeply Rooted uses advanced harvesting and processing systems to produce distinguished blends. In line with current trends, we promote high quality, small-estate coffee.

Deeply Rooted encourages methods of soil preservation, harvesting, and processing that will maximize crop quality and ensure the sustainability of environments.

Deeply Rooted’s hand-crafted speciality coffee is the brew to serve and enjoy at any time. Join our friends and yours for a Deeply Rooted coffee today.